The Raw Tiles data has coordinate and format problems. We have prepared multiple export tools for your application scenarios on the "ToolsPage". You can choose the appropriate export tool according to your needs.
You can find the tool you need in the table below.
Tool Name | Format(input) | Format(output) | Software |
GLB's Dir | GLTF | Blender | |
GLB's Dir | TIFF | QGIS,RoadRunner | |
GLB's Dir | FBX/OBJ | UE5,3DMax,Rhino,Houdini |
Can't find your software? Please contact us via Chat
Tool #1 Export to Blender as GLTF
The tool will first load all GLB files under RawGlbs Dir, calculate the center positions of these GLBs, and finally adjust the positions of these GLBs to the origin positions in the XYZ coordinate system.
Export to Blender as GLTF Parameter:
Parameter | Detail |
RawGlbs Dir | The Tiles save address selected in the "Download Page" should contain only GLB format data in the folder. |
Export to Dir | Select the location where you want to save the exported GLTF file. |
It is recommended that you set the folder for exporting GLTF to a path that does not contain the RawGlb folder.
Tool #2 Export to DSM/ORT
The tool will calculate the center point coordinates of all tiles in the RawGLBs folder, and use this center point as the origin to split all tiles in the whole range (Scale) range into multiple new tiles (Split as Tiles) for rendering, and finally export the orthographic projection and DSM height map of the specified resolution (Resolution)
Export to DSM/ORT Parameter:
Parameter | Detail |
RawGlbs Dir | The Tiles save address selected in the "Download Page" should contain only GLB format data in the folder. |
Export to Dir | Select the location where you want to save the exported Tiff file. |
Resolution | Set the physical resolution of the Tiff image, how much physical size each pixel represents. The default setting is 1.0, that is, 1 pixel in the rendering result represents 1m in physical space. The higher the physical resolution, the longer it takes. |
Scale | Controls how far tiles within the download area center point are used to generate DSM and height map. This value defaults to 200, which means that all tiles within 200*200m from the download center will be included in the Tiff result. |
Split as Tiles | It is used to control the data within the parameter Scale range to be divided into several parts for export. The default value is 1, which means no splitting. |
Parameter Setting Example:
Render the tiles within a whole range of 500*500 meters from the download center point into an orthographic projection and height map with a resolution of 0.5m, and output the rendering results into 4 tiles. Your settings should be as follows:
Resolution | Scale | Split as Tiles |
0.5 | 500 | 2 |
The output Tiff file has a unified reference system of WGS84 (EPSG:4326). The height value of the elevation map is the corrected orthogonal elevation. Please make sure you can access this site normally before executing this function.
If it says it cannot find Blender 3.6 please follow the additional instructions to set your Blender location.
Please pay attention to your Blender language settings, by default it is only in English.
Tool #3 Merge As New Mesh
The tool will calculate the center point coordinates of all tiles in the RawGLBs folder, and adjust the positions of these GLBs to the origin positions in the XYZ coordinate system.
Finally merge all tiles within the whole range (Scale) into multiple New Mesh(Split as Tiles) with this center point as the origin, and finally export the Mesh model in the specified format (File Format) with Texture.
Merge As New Mesh Parameter:
Parameter | Detail |
RawGlbs Dir | The Tiles save address selected in the "Download Page" should contain only GLB format data in the folder. |
Export to Dir | Select the location where you want to save the exported OBJ/FBX file. |
Scale | Controls how far tiles within the download area center point are used to generate New Mesh. This value defaults to 100, which means that all tiles within 100*100m from the download center will be included in the New Mesh result. |
Split as Tiles | It is used to control the data within the parameter Scale range to be divided into several parts for export. The default value is 1, which means no splitting. |
File Format | Currently supports OBJ and FBX with texture output. |
Parameter Setting Example:
Merge the tiles within a whole range of 1000*1000 meters from the download center point into an OBJ/FBX with texture, and Split whole range Mesh into 25 Tiles. Your settings should be as follows:
Scale | Split as Tiles | File Format |
1000 | 5 | obj |
This feature requires Blender 3.6 to be installed locally, please install it first.
If it says it cannot find Blender 3.6 please follow the additional instructions to set your Blender location.
The output Mesh file has a unified orthogonal elevation. Please make sure you can access this site normally before executing this function.
Please pay attention to your Blender language settings, by default it is only in English.
Additional # Confirm Blender address
If the Blender 3.6 program cannot be found in the default path of the computer, you will be automatically prompted to select the location of Blender 3.6.
Users can find the installed Blender in the following path:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.6\blender.exe
MacOS: Application\
We recommend you use 3.6 to avoid issues.
In addition to the default path you can choose to install Blender 3.6 on any other disk.